So, after taking the plunge and making a FB page, I obviously didn’t want to have to type more than I have too. So I went on a search for a plug-in to use that would ‘automatically’ update my FB page when I do a post here on my website.
Blog25Social came up. It has a Free version as well as the paid Premium. The difference? Options.
Apparently there are key time frames to post to your social media and Premium will post for you during those parameters. I equate that to setting a time for a text to be sent vs. immediate.
In the Free version it is immediate.
But, there’s a but here. Once you have created your post in your Blog, you then have to go into the plug-in Dashboard and manually share. It doesn’t matter is you have the Free or Premium versions. Like I mentioned above, Premium just gives you the option to set a timer.
So, it’s not completely ‘automatic’. It’s just a couple mouse clicks so I guess that’s better than having to Cut&Paste or even re-typing.
Once you get the hang of it, it’s all good.
So, I will be on the hunt for a plug-in that could actually be ‘automatic’ or more user-friendly for a beginning Blogger with limited experience.